The Perfect Place to Read: Where Would You Choose?

The Perfect Place to Read: Where Would You Choose?

Many of us grab our reading time when and where we can. It might be during our daily commute, or while we wait for our kids to finish their after-school activities. More often than not, it’s last thing at night before falling asleep. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a whole day to read, somewhere relaxing? Somewhere perfect for reading?

Here are five perfect places to read. Which one would you choose? Or can you think of somewhere else you’d love to spend a day alone, no other commitments, book in hand?

The beach

Dream reading spots don’t get dreamier than a hammock on a beach. Any beach will do, but picturesque is best. Add waves if you so wish, but my perfect beach would be somewhere tropical, with calm blue water and endless blue skies.

Surrounded by books

When you’re a booklover, there is nothing more relaxing than reading a book while you’re surrounded by books. It might be a quiet corner in a beautiful library, or a table to yourself in a cosy book café. Do you have a favourite place to read where you’re surrounded by books?

On a train

A packed train at peak hour might be a good place to fit in regular reading time, but it can’t compare to a long-distance train journey. It’s one of those perfect reading places where you while away the time, switching between staring out the window and immersing yourself in the pages of your book.

By a fire

Winter is coming, so that means cosy corners with open fireplaces. Choose both a book and a brew for the perfect experience – an open fire, wine or hot drink in hand, and the company of an unputdownable read.

In bed

Do you love your own bed? Imagine staying there all day with no interruptions, napping between chapters. Could you make this happen? Turn off the phone, don’t answer the door… ignore the kids, and spend a day under the doona with that book you’ve been meaning to read.

(Note for parents: Better Reading does not endorse ignoring your kids, we just acknowledge it would be nice to have one full day of reading!)


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